Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Entangled Huntress Interference

6-21-23. Well I suppose it was inevitable, over the many years of chalk drawing, that one day I would encounter some interference. Several times an angry, argumentative woman poured water on this drawing right in front of me, as I was drawing it. And then swiping her foot around angrily in the puddle of water she had poured on the face. She called the cops. A sheriff and trainee showed up. They were nice. Later, the lady came around again and tried to justify her anger with reasons that didn't make sense. I felt it was important to finish this one. Eventually I redrew it and was satisfied enough. An unpleasant experience.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Entangled Huntress of Day

Drawn over the days 6-14 and 6-16, 2023. 25th and Shotwell Streets.