Friday, October 30, 2009

Archer of Water

From yesterday, 10-29-09
Started this new composition at the spot under the trees at 15th and Market. It's strange, in the time I have been doing these public artworks, it has changed my perception of sidewalks. They are no longer 'just sidewalk' but I can't help looking over them as potential canvas. This site is a nice public canvas.
The figure is a study for a tarot character, likely of the Water suit. I have been intruiged with the idea of archers lately, so I plan to do another one after this as well, a woman archer.
The spot gets a bit windy but it is great for the amount of people that walk by and see it. Many people like the work and tell me so. People remember the previous works in that place and ask about those. It is great to be able to just chat with people about art and archetypes a bit, or make a business contact with a party organizer, or have an admirer give me a little cash!
It made my day when an utterly gorgeous girl stopped to talk to me, one who had studied metaphysics in school. Amazing copper curls and glowing smile...
When I took photos before leaving, the late afternoon light skewed the pictures a bit.
Hopefully I can finish this one off in the next couple days.

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